Tuesday 27 August 2013

My summer art project!

The idea for my sketchbook was based on a photoalbum so I could title it Summer 2013 and base it over my summer holiday. I made the book landscape and used string to hold it all together, for the cover I used different coloured and created different textures by scrunching up the paper and then flattening it out.
Activity 1: This is my first page of continuos line drawings the objects I chose I gained over my summer holiday. I used pencil when drawing my key, to gain form and with adding tone to the right areas, and with the other objects in fine liner shape and tone was formed through build up of lines and cross- hatching.

Activity 1: In these drawing I decided to use pencil, and the objects I drew were ones used over the summer holiday, I created a continuos line drawing of my backpack and created form with applying different amounts of pressure to the pencil in darker areas. When drawing my pencil, form and shape was achieved through adding tone dark to light.
Activity 2: measure the height, length, and thickness of your object and draw on graph paper. When carrying out this activity I measured my objects and drew them yo exact scale however, I could only draw the ones that would be able to fit.
Activity 3: For this activity I had to find an old envolope with a stamp on and draw directions to a place I was going that day, in my drawing I drew directions from my house to the pizza shop and all the landmarks inbetween like friends houses and bus stops.
Activity 4: For this activity I ripped out the page from an old book and chose relavent sentances to my day. To block out the other words I simply scribbled over byro.
Activity 4: on this activity I tore out another page from an old book and first of all drew over my personal object and gained tone through cross-hatching and mark-making I then used water and a paint brush to smudge and spread the ink, after this I used white acrylic paint to add highlights.
Activity 5: For this activity I took a series of nine shots of someone else carrying out an activity, I then filled the areas of negative space with masking tape, creating a background and foreground. In my activity it was the process of setting up and plugging in an electric guitar.
Activity 5: The nine image process included setting up the pedals and amp, it was also interesting finding which areas were the negative space.
Activity 6: For this activity i had to find a messy drawer in the house take a photo and draw its contents, when drawing this I had to build form and shape through cross-hatching.
Activity 5: this was the final page of activity five in my sketchbook and it shows the guitar fully set up, I found this activity interesting and when the images were complete i like the effect the masking tape gave the image.

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