Sunday 27 January 2013


Here is my finished textiles pocket, in this assignment we based our pocket idea around the idea of a secret agent pocket, however this secret agent could be practically anything and I based it around someone promoting Greenpeace, my pocket shows many of my sample textile work, with different layers and compartments.

Here is a couple of sample pieces of work from my sketchbook, this includes an image transfer, using image transfer paper to create a professional print on the fabric. There are also two free hand sowing samples done on the sowing machine, this creates a continuous line effect.
Here are some screen print sames on some fabric from my sketchbook the first images i created worked well, when i did a second image of flowers i used two inks, because there was too much ink used the image didn't print well, this is because you need a thin even layer.
Here is my acetate sheet that I used to create my screen print on fabric, next to the acetate is some line drawings on tracing paper which were my first ideas for the screen print design.  
Firstly, is a sample of image transfer on image using image transfer solution, and secondly a batik sample using candlewax and ink. 


Here are my negatives from my camera, which i developed and took myself.
Here is one of my photographs I took which looks slightly underexposed, however the image is in focus and i like the angle that i took the photograph. 

Here is another photograph I took and developed, this is one of my favorite images because i love the angle of the photograph and the sharp focus, I also like how I have correctly exposed the image.

This is also one of my favorite images, i took this image whilst on the ground, i love the angle of the picture and the sharp quality picture.


Here is a start to my section of my painting section in drawing, I've started some observational paintings of other artists work using acrylic paint, in these paintings I tried to capture the correct brushstrokes and tones.


Here is my sketchbook of my sample sculptures, this includes clay, wood and metal work, all my sculptures are inspired by sea creatures and other artists interpretation of this topic too.
Here is a drawing i copied and made my own, using different medias and colours to add interest and show ability to work with different materials. 

Visual Communication

Here is a page from my Vis Com sketchbook, in this double page spread it shows the making of my magazine based from ideas from my target audience, the aim was to make a magazine they would buy and enjoy reading.

I achieved this by choosing there favourite colours and images inspired by people and objects they like and are interested in, for example skate board designs and guitar picks.
This is my trainer design development showing my idea for a trainer design for my target audience, i used my target audiences favourite colours and it was also inspired by the things they enjoy.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Art history sketchbook

Here is a double page spread of artist research including Pablo Picasso and Van Gogh, from both i researched there work and sketched a section of both images. 
Here is a double page spread of my art history sketchbook, showing that I'm interested in tattoo design and the different designs and styles of tattooing and where they originated from.
Here are some artists research that I studied and did an observational drawing from these included Rene Magritte and M.C Escher I went to a Magritte exhibition a couple of years ago and decided to show this in my sketchbook by attaching the ticket.
Here are some more artists research including Hans Holden and the fist artist that discovered perspective, from both i did a sketch, trying to capture tone and textures.


Here is a double page spread of sketches from Kolowitze and Oskar Kokoshka, both sketches are of a messy texture style and i tried to capture this when using gel pen and pencil.
Here is a double page spread of artist research and sketches of Salvador Dali's work, I tried to capture the surrealist style of image and the correct tone and texture using pencil.
This is a double page spread of artist research of Rene Magritte, I drew a section of both paintings in different medias including oil pastels and pencil, i tried to capture the correct texture and tone.

Fine Art

Here are two clay sculptures for my fine art project, made from vacuum moulds that i also created. The sculptures have a smooth matt texture and abnormal, intruiging form. This makes viewers question my sculpture which is the impact i wanted to create with them.